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[GUIDE] The Future of Success in the Social Sector

The Future of Success in the Social Sector
Published February 28, 2022 Reading Time: 2 minutes

To help you navigate the challenges and opportunities facing nonprofits today, we reached out to Classy’s Leadership Council, an esteemed group of social sector executives, for their thoughts and advice on what to prioritize in 2022. 

Hear directly from a variety of leaders across the industry including, Erik Arnold, Global CTO of Tech for Social Impact at Microsoft, Nate Mook, CEO of World Central Kitchen, and Jan D’Alessandro, Head of Equity Initiative at Pledge 1%.

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The Future of Success in the Social Sector

The guide addresses four key areas of opportunity for nonprofits, based on advice from top social sector leaders:

  1. Prioritize your investment in analytics and data tools
  2. Create a balanced fundraising strategy
  3. Improve your process for adopting new technology
  4. Integrate social initiatives into your organization’s roadmap

A Sneak Peek Inside the Report

Here’s a sneak peek at a few pieces of advice shared by leaders throughout the guide.

Learn more about your donors through data.

“We need to understand what our audience and prospective donors are engaging with through the use of better analytics and digital tools.” 

Nate Mook

CEO of World Central Kitchen

Build sustainability with a diversified fundraising strategy.

“Cultivate long-term partnerships with corporations that will both make grants and encourage their employees to volunteer.” 

Jan D'Alessandro

President at Blue J Strategies and Head of Equity Initiative at Pledge 1%

Invest in people and processes to help you seamlessly adopt new technologies. 

Too often, I see nonprofits fail to invest in the people and processes needed to effectively use modern digital technology. When modernizing fundraising, make sure to treat it as an organizational transformation project with proper funding and executive support.

Erik Arnold

Global CTO, Tech for Social Impact at Microsoft

Prioritize the wellbeing of your team and yourself.

We must care for our teams, our workforce, and ourselves in order to sustain energy for this critical work. If that means changing expectations, goals, and programs, that’s what needs to happen.

Victoria Vrana

Deputy Director, Philanthropic Partnerships at Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Download the guide for exclusive advice on ways to move the needle from some of the brightest minds in the social sector.

future of success social sector

The Future of Success in the Social Sector

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