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INFOGRAPHIC: A Day in the Life of a Development Officer

animated desk setup
Published January 22, 2016 Reading Time: < 1 minute

The development officer holds one of the most important roles in a nonprofit organization, as they are primarily responsible for bringing in the money that supports the organization. They are tasked with developing, overseeing, and implementing a strategic plan to raise funds in a cost-effective and time-efficient manner. The position, depending on organization size, is multi-faceted and can include additional responsibilities on top of overseeing fundraising such as hiring, budgeting, and grant writing.

So how does one person successfully grow their nonprofit organization in staff, membership, budget, company assets, and all other company resources? We will show you the inner workings of a day in the life of a development officer to help you fully grasp what this prestigious job entails.

infographic development officer

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