Walk/Run Fundraisers Raise 4x More on MMRF’s Mobile App


To find a cure for each and every multiple myeloma patient by accelerating the development of next-generation treatments to extend the lives of patients


Empower individuals to not only participate in Walk/Run events but get even more involved by becoming a fundraiser


Increase engagement and activation for peer-to-peer fundraisers with the help of Classy’s fundraising events tool and integration to the Nuclavis white-labeled mobile app

We run dozens of events per year, and it can be complex to manage participants and fundraisers. With Classy, we can easily track all of our registrants, and anyone who wants to fundraise can create an individual page and tap into their own networks.

– Marianne Andrews, Senior Director, Events & Partnerships at MMRF

MMRF’s Fundraising Event Results on Classy:


of Walk/Run participants are also fundraisers


of traffic is from mobile


higher conversion rate than industry standards

The Power of Community Fundraising 

With 25 years of groundbreaking research that advances potentially lifesaving treatments, MMRF and its supporters continue to move the search for a cure forward. Whether you’re a patient, caregiver, family, friend, neighbor, or donor, the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF) finds ways to engage every supporter, bringing them together to rally around their cause. 

Through a variety of local events like Walk/Runs to bingo nights, art auctions, and educational programs, MMRF provides meaningful ways to engage advocates and build a community of support. This, along with powerful storytelling that lets supporters hear first-hand stories of the impact of MMRF, has created a passionate group of individuals who are not only donors, but fundraisers for the mission.

MMRF Walk/Run Community Fundraising Event

MMRF uses Classy’s fundraising events platform to make it easy for these impassioned individuals to not only register for an event like a Walk/Run, but to create their own peer-to-peer fundraising page to share with their networks.  

MMRF has seen an incredible turnout of supporters, with 46% of Walk/Run participants also fundraising, 13% higher than the industry standard!

Fundraising in the Palm of Your Hand

Since 64% of traffic from MMRF’s fundraising events comes from mobile, according to Classy, they wanted to take the fundraising experience one step further. MMRF partnered with Nuclavis to develop a branded mobile app that empowers Walk/Run fundraisers to maximize their efforts and stay connected on the go. In the app, every fundraiser can quickly send a link to their Classy fundraising page to friends and family via email or text message, post on social media, or even share a QR code. As donations come in, fundraisers can use the app to see who donated and send a pre-written thank you note, text, or social post.

The mobile app, “MMRF Events”, acts as an extension of the Classy platform, using APIs to pull in participants’ fundraising information so they can check their fundraising totals, manage their fundraising pages, and receive notifications when new donations come in.

MMRF Events App
MMRF Events App

After only nine months, the MMRF team saw an increase in participant engagement and dollars raised. In fact, fundraisers who used the integrated app raised 4x more than fundraisers who didn’t! MMRF also achieved a 19% higher conversion rate than the industry standard for its fundraising events, which speaks to the ease of use for donors. 

With such fantastic initial success, the focus for 2024 will be increasing the number of Walk/Run fundraisers and expanding the app to Marathon participants. One donation and one step at a time, MMRF is getting closer to a cure for each and every multiple myeloma patient.

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