[GUIDE] Raise More for Your Mission With Smart Year-End Fundraising

year-end fundraising

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Published September 17, 2021 Reading Time: < 1 minutes

Prepare for the most impactful giving season yet.

Whether you’re spearheading your first campaign specific to the year-end giving season or are looking for ways to amplify your fundraising returns, our Smart Guide to Strong Year-End Fundraising has you covered.

Download Your Free Copy Today

Discover the most effective ways to achieve your year-end goals, elevate your mission, and  expand your reach with actionable tips, simple tricks, and innovative best practices tailored specifically to the giving season.

Set Your Nonprofit Up for Success

Year after year, the giving season remains the most active time for nonprofits (and their donors). Capitalize on the months between Giving Tuesday and January 1 to engage, convert, and retain more donors.

Our Smart Guide makes sure you have the simplest route to:

  • Reach the right donors at the right time with effective email tactics
  • Engage donors worldwide with peer-to-peer fundraising and hybrid events
  • Bring in more donations with customized language, impactful storytelling, and more
  • Retain donors with simple approaches to engage them well into the new year
  • Optimize your year-end campaign with Classy’s built-in features

You’re just a click away from impactful giving statistics to guide your decision making, and discovering what other nonprofits have done to achieve success.

Raise More This Season With These Simple Tips

An effective fundraising strategy for the giving season is crucial to maximizing this once-a-year opportunity. Download our guide today to discover new ways to take your campaign to the next level.

Download Your Smart Guide to Strong Year-End Fundraising Today

year-end fundraising

The Smart Guide to Strong Year-End Fundraising

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