VIDEO: How to Create a Good Donation Page in Minutes
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Building a strong, good donation page doesn’t have to be complex or intimidating. Here are a few basic best practices:
• No external links on your donation page – You want to keep donors on the page and focused on completing the form. They were motivated to click your donate button for a reason; keep them in that mindset.
• Branded – Branded donation pages raise up to 6X more than ones that aren’t branded. Create a seamless journey from the moment a supporter clicks the donate button to when they’re completing the transaction. Taking them to a page with no branding or 3rd party branding can be confusing and erode trust.
• Compelling appeal – Remind supporters why they’ve chosen to donate to your organization or specific campaign. Reinforce the impact your donation will have on your mission.
• Short and Easy Form – Would you abandon a shopping cart that required you to fill out pages and pages of information? Supporters just want to get their donation to your organization. Don’t force them to work too hard or they might give up all together.
• Customized Call-to-Action – The CTA button at the end of a donation form is an awesome opportunity to reinforce how meaningful a supporter’s gift is to your organization. Use this space to confirm how their donation will be used. “Submit” sound very mechanical and uninviting. What about “Send School Supplies!” instead?
There are many tools out there, including Classy, which allow you to build a clean, optimized donation form in a matter of minutes. Even if you have limited resources, time, or design skill, you do have access to a well-functioning, mobile-optimized donation form. Organizations don’t need to spend huge amounts of money to do well online.
To see how quick and easy it is to create a basic, but beautiful and functional, donation page, watch the video below.
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