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INFOGRAPHIC: From Water Problem to Water Progress

Wave, sun, and mountain
Published March 17, 2017 Reading Time: < 1 minute

Even if you don’t live right next to a water source, most of us can turn on the faucet to get as much clean, fresh water as we need. However, there are many people around the world who don’t have access to a similar supply of safe drinking water.

This lack of access has resulted in a global crisis, which the World Economic Forum recently ranked as a top global risk. And the world isn’t content to sit idly by and lets this problem run rampant. There’s a huge trend of improvement in global access to clean water spearheaded by countless organizations.

To celebrate both World Water Day and the efforts to improve water access, we created this infographic. It shows how essential water is to advancing societies and economies all over the world, and how we’re going from water problem to water progress.

world water day infographic

For a long time, a lack of access to clean, safe water has plagued populations all over the world. This World Water Day, let’s take the time to recognize and celebrate some of the organizations taking us from water problem to water progress:

If the water crisis is central to your organization, download our guide below: How to Fundraise for the Causes You Love. Learn how you can empower your network of fundraisers to become rockstar supporters and make an impact now.

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