16.2% larger gifts

Emphasizing frequency and custom amounts boosts donations

Test period: 08-23-2023 to 10-12-2023


Based on previous test learnings, we think restyling the donation frequency toggle will clarify default selections, while streamlining ask amount options will attract more visitors to the custom amount field and increase gift size consideration. Together, these optimizations will boost revenue and recurring conversions.



  • Donation form without any visual emphasis on the gift frequency toggle or custom donation amount field



  • Donation form with updated styling of the frequency toggle and suggested donation amount buttons, emphasizing the custom donation amount field


Average donation value$98.02 $113.88 16.2%
Recurring donation conversion0.69%0.78%13.03%
Test results reached 99% statistical significance

Key learnings:

Our hypothesis was validated: redesigning the frequency toggle and ask amount options resulted in over a 16% rise in average donation value, while maintaining overall donation conversion rates. We also observed a significant increase in recurring donations. Not only did more donors choose sustained giving, but the challenger group showed improved retention—underscoring the importance of highlighting frequency defaults.

So what: These donation form design improvements were rolled out across the entire platform, resulting in significant gains across all Classy campaigns.

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