
Watch our video series for tips and takeaways from nonprofit leaders, so you can apply them too.

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Cut to the Chase

Episode 3: Creating a Sense of Togetherness During a Virtual Event

Learn how Miry’s List added a safe, in-person element to their virtual fundraising event, creating a feeling of personal connection and togetherness around food. They also share how they were able to keep the fundraising momentum going after their livestreamed event.

Episode 3: Creating a Sense of Togetherness During a Virtual Event

Cut to the Chase

Episode 2: How GBMC’s Virtual Walk Event Engaged Their Community

In this episode, Laura Clary of the Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC) shares how their healthcare organization had to pivot their annual walk event into a virtual campaign at the onset of COVID-19. Learn how they used social media to raise awareness and funds for their biggest campaign of the year.

To see and support their latest fundraising campaign for resettling refugee families, visit

Episode 2: How GBMC’s Virtual Walk Event Engaged Their Community

Cut to the Chase

Episode 1: How Hope for Haiti’s Virtual Event Raised Over $100,000

Watch our first episode of Cut to the Chase, where we chat with nonprofit leaders and share their bite-sized tips and takeaways for success. Skyler Badenoch, CEO of Hope for Haiti, walks through how they were able to 10X the results of their Hike for Haiti campaign and raise over $100,000 in their second year. Find out what you should also keep in mind as you plan your own virtual fundraising event.

Episode 1: How Hope for Haiti’s Virtual Event Raised Over $100,000

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