Five steps to build a multi-million dollar recurring donor program – Download the playbook!

Recurring Donor Migration

Transfer your recurring donors’ payment information from your legacy platform to Classy

Donor Migration App

Centralize Your Recurring Donors

Streamline your fundraising by bringing all of your recurring supporters to one place. Not only can you centrally manage, track, and reconcile payouts and deposits, you can also provide your supporters with more flexibility in how they give. With Classy’s Recurring Donor Migration, ensure a secure and timely transfer of your supporters’ information to the Classy platform to provide donors with peace of mind and retain their long-term support.

Transfer Donors Safely and Securely

Your donors’ data is some of the most sensitive and important information you have. With Classy’s Recurring Donor Migration, we put safeguards in place with tokenization and encryption to ensure their data never gets out.

Donor Info
Donation Calendar

Migrate Donors 

Transfer all of your recurring supporters to Classy in as little as one month with just three simple steps.

Dedicated Partner
 to Your Success

With Classy’s migration success rates meeting 
or exceeding industry standards, you can be
 sure your supporters will receive a seamless experience. Plus, we’ll provide you with best practices on re-engaging those donors who 
don’t make it over.

Classy Employee Speaking

A trusted giving platform with all the features that are important to you

Ruler Illustration
Ticket Icon

Sponsor Donation Matching

Add corporate or individual sponsors to your fundraising website and enable dollar-for-dollar donation matching.

Pencil Icon

Beautiful, Customized Campaigns

Create branded, mobile-optimized fundraising pages in minutes with a campaign builder that makes you feel like a pro.


Robust Reporting & Analytics

Access quick campaign health metrics or dive into robust reporting to segment your donors and create personalized engagement strategies.

Secure and Stable

Secure & Stable

We maintain a safe environment for donor data with Level 1 PCI compliance and SSL Security, built on Amazon Web Services.

Recurring Donor Guide

Free Guide

Recurring Donor Sentiment Report

Whether you’re looking for fast improvements or ways to reimagine your recurring giving program, we’ve surfaced actionable takeaways that will leave you feeling inspired to get started.

Download the guide to learn:

  • A pulse check on the state of subscription giving
  • Top recurring gift motivators and incentives
  • Considerations to avoid recurring donor churn
  • Actions to attract and retain recurring gifts

Download Now

Thank you, !

Our team will be in touch shortly to share how Classy can power your online fundraising.

Here’s what you can expect on the first call:

  • check-d

    We'll get to know your organization's fundraising strategy, including tools you currently use

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    We'll ask about your organization's challenges and needs, as well as your timeline to optimize them

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    We'll give you an overview of Classy's fundraising features and integrations

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    We'll answer any and all of your questions
