Whole Whale + Classy

Whole Whale is a B Corp digital agency that leverages data and tech to increase the impact of social impact organizations. We provide analytics, content marketing, and advertising services to socially conscious companies and nonprofits. In our spare time, we develop products like InclusivityTool.com, GetLighthouse.io, Politweets.org, and a series of online courses.

Nonprofits use Whole Whale Services

  • Conversion Optimization & AB Testing

  • Paid Ad Management

  • Digital Training

  • Digital Support

A trusted partner with all the services that are important to you

A trusted platform

Email Marketing

With a sizable email list, organizations can drive real impact, foster community, and create loyal ambassadors and donors.

Runs, Walks, Rides

Digital Fundraising

We’ll work with your team to develop fundraising strategies leveraging digital channels to acquire supporters and nurture meaningful donor relationships over time.

Google Ad Grants

SEO & Content Marketing

We help you drive quality organic search traffic to your website and provide relevant resources to your target audience.

Google Tag Manager

Google Ad Grant Management

We use keyword optimization to help nonprofits leverage grant budgets to drive quality traffic and achieve your digital goals.


Digital Impact & Web Analytics

We help you measure ROI by codifying your digital goals in GA and Google Tag Manager (GTM) and helping you understand and track your audience’s interactions on your website.


Fundraising & Development

We do deep analyses of your web analytics, donor databases, email CRMs, social platforms, and more to find useful insights, such as understanding the path to becoming a donor.

Certified Partner

Classy Certified Partners provide a range of benefits to the Classy community, offering anything from integrations, apps & extensions, or web services. All Classy Certified Partners have been thoroughly vetted and given Classy’s stamp of approval!

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