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INFOGRAPHIC: Why You Should Donate to the Causes You Love

donate with your heart
Published May 3, 2016 Reading Time: 2 minutes

When we donate to a charitable organization, we help make the difference we’re unable to provide with our own hands. Consequently, social impact organizations don’t just work to achieve their mission—they also empower individuals to effect change. They mobilize people to play a part in making the world a better place.

And as it turns out, when you take this opportunity to give to the causes you care about, beneficiaries aren’t the only ones who reap the rewards—you do too. Check out this infographic to learn why donating your dollars and time can be the best thing you do for yourself.

infographic donate

Individuals make up 72 percent of charitable giving. Without you, social impact organizations couldn’t exist. Without you, a cry for help goes unanswered, a problem goes unsolved. Whether it funds a nonprofit’s program or its operations, your donation is vital to their ability to advance their mission and grow. Even a small gift propels your favorite nonprofit toward greater impact.

You can also make an even larger impact as a fundraiser. Discover tips and tricks in our free guide, Crush Fundraising: How to Raise More Money for the Causes You Love.

Fundraise for an Organization You Love

crush fundraising guide

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