INFOGRAPHIC: Meaningful Metrics for Donor Communications

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Published March 14, 2016 Reading Time: < 1 minutes

Donor communications can make or break a nonprofit organization. To attract and retain donors, you must connect through a variety of communication channels. But you can only gauge the effectiveness of your website, email, and other channels by knowing which metrics matter and how you stack up with other organizations.

To help social impact organizations evaluate their donor communications, we examined several recent studies and surveys. This infographic walks you through the most important metrics and performance benchmarks for nonprofits. While there is some variation by organization size and cause sector, these statistics are a great starting point for nonprofits who want to engage and activate donors.

infographic donor communications

With these data points in mind, take a look at your donor communications and ask…

  • Where are you succeeding?
  • Where can you improve most?
  • Which of these metrics do you need to start tracking?

You don’t have to have all the answers today, but evaluating your donor communications is the first step to improving them. Check out Classy’s blog for more resources to help you connect, engage, and retain donors.

The Guide to Meaningful Nonprofit Metrics

The Guide to Meaningful Nonprofit Metrics

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